Engine Rebuilding

For engine rebuild information on a specific vehicle, we also carry Factory Manuals.

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Chilton's Guide to Engine Repair and Rebuilding (SKU: 080197643X)Chilton's Guide to Engine Repair and Rebuilding (SKU: 080197643X)
Automotive Engines: Diagnosis, Repair and Rebuilding, 4th Edition (SKU: 0766819965)Automotive Engines: Diagnosis, Repair and Rebuilding, 4th Edition (SKU: 0766819965)
Today's Technician Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding 5th Edition 2 Volume Set (SKU: 1133602517)Today's Technician Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding 5th Edition 2 Volume Set (SKU: 1133602517)Today's Technician Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding 5th Edition 2 Volume Set
Chrysler V8 and 3.9L V6 Engine Overhaul Haynes Techbook (SKU: 1563921146)Chrysler V8 and 3.9L V6 Engine Overhaul Haynes Techbook (SKU: 1563921146)
1960 - 1996 Ford V8 Engine Overhaul Manual by Chilton (SKU: 0801987938)1960 - 1996 Ford V8 Engine Overhaul Manual by Chilton (SKU: 0801987938)
How to Build Altered Wheelbase Cars (SKU: CARTECH-SA189P)How to Build Altered Wheelbase Cars (SKU: CARTECH-SA189P)How to Build Altered Wheelbase Cars
Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Haynes Techbook (SKU: 1850107629)Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Haynes Techbook (SKU: 1850107629)
How To: Enginge Management Advanced Tuning (SKU: CARTECH-SA135)How To: Enginge Management Advanced Tuning (SKU: CARTECH-SA135)
Ford Big-Block Parts Interchange (SKU: CARTECH-SA397P)Ford Big-Block Parts Interchange (SKU: CARTECH-SA397P)Ford Big-Block Parts Interchange
Ford Manual: V8 Engine Overhaul Haynes Techbook (SKU: 1850107637)Ford Manual: V8 Engine Overhaul Haynes Techbook (SKU: 1850107637)
How to Restore Your Collector Car (SKU: 0760335419)How to Restore Your Collector Car (SKU: 0760335419)
How to Rebuild Honda B-Series Engines (SKU: CARTECH-SA154P)How to Rebuild Honda B-Series Engines (SKU: CARTECH-SA154P)
High Performance Honda Builder's Handbook Volume 1 (SKU: CARTECH-SA49P)High Performance Honda Builder's Handbook Volume 1 (SKU: CARTECH-SA49P)High Performance Honda Builder's Handbook: Volume 1
How to Build High-Performance Chevy LS1/LS6 V-8's (SKU: CARTECH-SA86)How to Build High-Performance Chevy LS1/LS6 V-8's (SKU: CARTECH-SA86)How to Build High Performance Chevy LS1/LS6 V8's
How To Build Max Performance Chevy Small Blocks On A Budget (SKU: CARTECH-SA57)How To Build Max Performance Chevy Small Blocks On A Budget (SKU: CARTECH-SA57)
How to Build MAX-PERFORMANCE 4.6L Ford Engines (SKU: CARTECH-SA82P)How to Build MAX-PERFORMANCE 4.6L Ford Engines (SKU: CARTECH-SA82P)How to Build MAX-PERFORMANCE 4.6L Ford Engines
How to Build Max Performance Ford V-8 on a Budget (SKU: CARTECH-SA69P)How to Build Max Performance Ford V-8 on a Budget (SKU: CARTECH-SA69P)How to Build Max Performance Ford V-8's on a Budget  
How To Build Big-Inch Chevy Small Blocks (SKU: CARTECH-SA87P)How To Build Big-Inch Chevy Small Blocks (SKU: CARTECH-SA87P)How To Build Big-Inch Chevy Small Blocks
How To Build Big-Inch Ford Small Blocks (SKU: CARTECH-SA85P)How To Build Big-Inch Ford Small Blocks (SKU: CARTECH-SA85P)By increasing the bore and stroke of your current engine, you can add those cubic inches without the hassle of switching to a big block.
How to Build Max-Performance Mopar Big Blocks (SKU: CARTECH-SA171P)How to Build Max-Performance Mopar Big Blocks (SKU: CARTECH-SA171P)How to Build Max-Performance Mopar Big Blocks
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Keywords: auto, technology, delmar, learning, obd, ab,s brakes, electrical, diagnosis, fuel, injection, system, engine, performance, and, management, transmission,  transaxle, diagnosis, engine, suspension, timing, belt

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