We carry Master ASE Certification Study Guides for Technicians by MotorAge for automobile, medium/heavy duty truck, collision, and school & transit buses. Included within every study guide is the Official ASE Task List that tells exactly what kind of knowledge and experience you need to pass the test. Identify gaps in your technical knowledge, then use the appropriate study guide to pass the exam. MotorAge Study Guides provides mechanics with all the answers that they would learn in an automotive technician class. The study guides easy to read, with detailed illustrations & sample questions. Most importantly, there are detailed explanations of correct answers. We also offer Study Guides in Spanish published by Delmar/Cengage.
All sets of manuals have deeper discounts than individual manuals. You can click on the underlined text below to see the manuals. |
Typical MotorAge ASE Study Guide Table of Contents:
- Test Specifications & Task List
- Communication Skills
- Sales Skills
- Vehicle Systems
- Inventory Management
- Sample Test Questions
- Answers To Study Guide Test Questions
- Glossary
Medium / Heavy-Duty Truck Service
Truck Repair (T1 thru T8)
Truck Electrical/Electronic Systems (E2)
Truck Parts Specialists (P1, P3, P9)
Electronic Diesel Engine (L2)
Collision Repair & Paint Refinish
Painting & Refinishing (B2)
Non Structural Analysis/Damage Repair (B3)
Structural Analysis/Damage Repair (B4)
Mechanical & Electrical Components (B5)
Damage Analysis & Estimating (B6)
School Bus Repair (S1 thru S7)
Transit Bus (H1 thru H8)
ASE Test Date Calendar - Click Here
Master ASE Certification Test Prep Study Guides for ASE Auto, Truck, Bus & Machinist Technicians
The ASE Study Guides we sell on our website are published by Cengage/Delmar Publishing and MotorAge. These ASE Certification Test Prep Manuals are easy-to-use guides that to help you prepare for your ASE certification test. In addition, we sell the Cengage / Delmar Online ASE Test Prep Subscription for web-based viewing and scoring of the ASE Test Prep information.
ASE Study Guides will help you improve your test readiness and focus your skills. The main ingredient in AE test preparation is you. You need to study the ase test prep manual until you fell comfortable answering every question correctly. Sometimes, this can require that you read the manual 2 or three times over. A separate study guide is available for each ASE Exam. Each Test Prep Manual is geared to give you necessary details to pass each individual test. The ASE Test Prep Manual includes sample tests, sample questions and answers, and provides guidance for additional preparation.
To get the best grade on the test, start out in the "Test Specifications" Section of the manual. The test Specifications area shows the areas of competence covered, the total amount of test questions and major subject areas. Next, review the "Task Lists" section to understand the details of each content area, including all topics covered on the test, and the amount or number of test questions usually found on the test.
Listed above is a complete offering of Master ASE Certification Study Guides for Technicians. The ASE test prep manuals are arraigned by by type of vehicle covered. The manuals are available for the following vehicle types: Automobile, Medium/Heavy Duty Truck, Collision, Machinist, School Bus & Transit Bus.
Here is a list and short description of each ASE manual offered for each vehicle type:
Automotive ASE Test Prep Manual Test names are: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, L1, P2, X1, C1, F1, P2, P4
- Online ASE Technician Test Preparation Access Code: Provides login access to the Online ASE Technicians Test Preparation (TTP) for the ASE Test of your choice. Online ASE TTP is another way to study and obtain the expertise needed to pass the Automotive, Medium/Heavy Duty Truck, or Collision ASE exams.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A1, Automotive Engine Repair: The A1 ASE Test Task List, contains extensive Engine Mechanical, Lubrication and Cooling Systems diagnostic information, including symptom descriptions and their causes, as well as complete engine testing procedures, with the interpretation of test results.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A2, Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles: The A2 ASE test has detailed Automatic Transmission/Transaxle diagnostic information, including transmission symptom descriptions and their causes, as well as complete hydraulic and electronic testing procedures.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A3, Automotive Manual Drivetrains and Axles: A3 ASE test describes Clutch, Manual Transmission/Transaxle, Driveshaft/Halfshaft, Universal/CV-Joint, Rear-Wheel Drive Axle and Four-Wheel Drive/All-Wheel Drive diagnostic information, including symptom descriptions and their causes.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A4, Automotive Suspension and Steering: A4 ASE Test shows Steering, Suspension, Wheel Alignment, Wheel and Tire repair, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, adjustment and assembly.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A5, Automotive Brakes: A3 ASE test: Hydraulic braking, Drum Brake, Disc Brake, Parking Brake, Power Assist technology, Anti-Lock Brake System repair information, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, adjustment and assembly.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A6, Automotive Electrical - Electronics Systems: A6 ASE test shows Electrical/Electronic, Battery, Starting, Charging, Lighting, Gauges, Horn, Wiper/Washer and Power Accessory system diagnostics concepts.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A7, Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning: A7 ASE test Refrigeration, Heating, Engine Cooling, and Manual / Automatic Controls diagnostic systems info.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A8, Automotive Engine Performance: A8 ASE test Engine Mechanical, Ignition, Fuel, Exhaust, Emissions Control, Electronic Engine Control, Engine Electrical Systems competency information
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile A9, Light Vehicle Diesel Engines: A9 ASE test involves Engine Block and Diesel Fuel Injection Diagnosis, Repair, Cylinder Head & Valvetrain Diagnosis
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile L1, Automotive Advanced Engine Performance: L1 ASE test shows Powertrain, Electronic Engine Controls (ECM), Ignition System, Fuel Injection and Air Induction Technology, Emission Control Systems, and I/M Failure mode diagnostics
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile P2, Automobile Parts Specialist: P2 ASE test Parts Store Operations, Customer Relations and Sales Skills, Vehicle Identification, Cataloging Skills, Inventory Management and Merchandising information.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile P4, General Motors Parts Specialist: P4 ASE test Operations, Communications and Sales Skills, Cataloging Skills and Inventory Control
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile X1, Automobile Exhaust Systems: X1 ASE test Exhaust System diagnosis & service information, catalytic converters, O2 sensors (O2S/HO2S), air injection reactor (AIR) emissions control, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) emissions control, and early fuel evaporation (EFE) vapor system.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automobile C1, Automotive Service Consultant: C1 ASE Test- Automotive Product Knowledge involving Engine, Drivetrain, Chassis and Body Systems, Service/Maintenance Intervals, Warranty issues, Service Contract writing, Campaigns/Recall/Technical Service Bulletins, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) id.
- ASE Test Prep Manual -- Automotive F1, Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Competencies: F1 ASE test- Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicle conversion techniques, Vehicle Suitability for conversion, Parts Fabrication, part Compatibility & Component Installation
- ASE Test Prep Manuals -- Automobile Partial Set A1 - A9: (A1) Engine Repair, (A2) Automatic Transmission, (A3) Manual Drivetrain, (A4) Steering & Suspension, (A5) Brakes, (A6) Electronic/Electrical Systems, (A7) Heating & A/C, (A8) Engine Performance, (A9) Light Vehicle Diesel Engines.
- ASE Test Prep Manuals -- Automobile Partial Set A1-A9, L1, P2, X1: (A1) Engine Repair, (A2) Automatic Transmission, (A3) Manual Drivetrain, (A4) Steering & Suspension, (A5) Brakes, (A6) Electronic/Electrical Systems, (A7) Heating & A/C, (A8) Engine Performance, (A9) Light Vehicle Diesel Engines, (L1) Advanced Engine Performance, (P2) Automobile Parts Specialist, (X1)Exhaust Systems.
- ASE Test Prep Manuals -- Automotive Complete Set A1-A9, L1, P2,P4, X1,C1: (A1) Engine Repair, (A2) Automatic Transmission, (A3) Manual Drivetrain, (A4) Steering & Suspension, (A5) Brakes, (A6) Electronic/Electrical Systems, (A7) Heating & A/C, (A8) Engine Performance, (A9) Light Vehicle Diesel Engines, (L1) Advanced Engine Performance, (P2) Automobile Parts Specialist, (P4) General Motors Part Specialist, (X1)Exhaust Systems, (C1) Automotive Service Consultant.
- ASE A1-A8, L1 Automotive Technician Certification Test Prep Manual: Same info covered in the individual ASE test Prep Manauls, just condensed into one manual. Covers A1-A8 and L1 ASE certification exam information. The study guide is same high quality information found in indidual manuals and will help users pass all exams covered.
- Motor Age Automotive Service Glossary: Explanations for complex terminology found in theA1 through A8 study guides. Entries are added with explanation for complex/difficult terms.
Today's Technician ASE Test Prep Manual and Workshop Manual, 2 Volume Set provides the user with both a test study guide and shop manual that can be used to actually repair a vehicle. The same concepts covered in the test prep manual are shown as working systems in the shop manual with diagnostics that can be used during actual repairs.
- Basic Automotive Service and Systems: Systems include Brakes, Active Brakes, Active Suspension, electronic stability, electronic power steering, four-wheel steering, ecu, signals, actuators, sensors, electrical components. Global automotive industry and the role of the technician.
- Today's Technician: Automotive Fuels & Emissions: Automotive fuels and emission systems diagnosis and repair.
- Today's Technician: Automotive Electricity & Electronics: Bus networks, including CAN, LIN, ISO. Vehicle systems including accessory, multi-stage air bag, weight classification, side air bag, laser-guided cruise control and hybrid / high voltage.
- Today's Technician: Automotive Engine Performance: Ignition systems, intake and exhaust systems, fuels and emission controls and related electronics.
- Today's Technician: Manual Transmissions & Transaxles: Manual Drive Trains and Axles, Drivetrain Theory, Clutches, Manual Transmissions/Transaxles, Front Drive Axles, Drive Shafts and Universal Joints, Differentials and Drive Axles, Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) Systems, Advanced Four-Wheel-Drive Systems, Drivetrain Electrical and Electronic Systems, Electronically-Controlled and Automated
- Today's Technician: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning: Heating and Air Conditioning, Temperature and Pressure Physics, Engine HVAC, Air-Conditioning Operation, Refrigeranation Components Servicing and Diagnosis, Compressors & Clutches, Case and Duct Air Management, Controls, Refrigerant Retrofit (R-12 to R-134a)
- Today's Technician Advanced Engine Performance: On-Board-Diagnostic - II (OBD II), Continuous Monitors, Non-Continuous Monitors, Emission Control and Evaporative Systems, generic OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes Malfunction Indicator Light, On-Board Diagnostic technique, Scanners and Oscilloscopes.
Questions related to ordering ASE Test Prep Manuals:
Q: Who writes the ASE Study Guides?
A: Both Motor Age Training and Delmar/Cengage use ASE certified master technicians to write the ASE test prep study guides.
Q: How often are the study guies updated?
A: Each study guide is updated by the publisher when the ASE task list for a particular test prep manual is updated by ASE. Typically, each subject is updated every 3 years.
Q: Are the study guides available on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or Online?
A: The Motor Age Training ASE Study Guides are only available as paperback manuals. Cengage / Delmar Training ASE Study Guides are available as paper back manuals or as an online subscription with one year access. The following online manuals are offered online from Cengage / Delmar: A1 - Engine Repair, A2 - Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles, A3 - Manual Drive Trains & Axles, A4 - Suspension and Steering, A5 - Brakes, A6 - Electrical/Electronic Systems, A7 - Heating & Air Conditioning, A8 - Engine Performance, X1 - Exhaust Systems, P2 - Automobile Parts Specialist, L1 - Advanced Engine Performance, C1 - Service Consultant, T1 - Gasoline Engines, T2 - Diesel Engines, T3 - Drive Train, T4 - Brakes, T5 - Suspension and Steering, T6 - Electrical/Electronic Systems, T7 - Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning, T8 - Preventive Maintenance, B2 - Painting & Refinishing, B3 - Non-Structural Analysis & Damage Repair, B4 - Structural Analysis and Repair, B5 - Mechanical & Electrical Components, B6 - Damage Analysis & Estimating
Q: Are the study guides available in Spanish?
A: Yes, the Delmar / Cengage publishes the paperback and online ASE study books in Spanish for the following tests: SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A1 Automotive Engine Repair, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A2 Automotive Transmissions and Transaxles, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A3 Automotive Manual Drive Trains and Axles, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A4 Automotive Suspension and Steering, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A5 Automotive Brakes, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A6 Automotive Electrical-Electronic Systems, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A7 Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual A8 Automotive Engine Performance, SPANISH ASE Test Prep Manual L1 Advanced Engine Performance Specialist, Español ASE Test Prep Manual P2 Automobile Parts Specialist, Español ASE Test Prep Manual X1 Exhaust Systems, Español ASE Test Prep Manuals Automobile A1 A8; 8 Volume Set, Español ASE Test Prep Manuals Automobile A1 A8 L1 P2 X1; 11 Volume Set, Español ASE Test Prep Manual B4 Collision Structural Analysis and Damage Repair, Español ASE Test Prep Manual B5 Collision Mechanical and Electrical Components, Español ASE Test Prep Manual B2 Collision Painting and Refinishing, Español ASE Test Prep Manual B6 Collision Damage Analysis and Estimation, Español ASE Test Prep Manuals Collision B2 B6; 5 Volume Set, Español ASE Test Prep Manual B3 Collision Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair, and Spanish Online ASE Technician Test Preparation Online Subscription
Q: How do the Motor Age ASE Test Prep Study Guides differ from Mitchell1?
A: The manuals have similar formats and content. However, the Motor Age manuals contain additional subject information and in-depth task lists, pictures & more subheadings within each main topic. With Motor Age test prep manuals, it easier to find the test information you are looking for. The Mitchell1 books provide less detailed subject information, but, Mitcell1 offers more sample test questions.
Q: How long does it take to ship the manuals once I've ordered them?
A: Typically, new orders are processed and mailed within 48 hours of check out from our website. We ship Monday through Friday. On Friday, we ship one in the morning and once in late afternoon. Orders sent to Canada ship via US International Priority Mail delivery and require 3-4 weeks for delivery.
Q: How do I sign-up to take the tests?
A: Contact Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) by phone (703) 669-6600 or go to their website www.asecert.org.
Q: How often are the tests held?
A: The written tests are held in May and November of each year in most States. Specific times and locations can be found out by calling ASE at (703) 669-6600. Make sure you are aware of the testing registration deadlines. Deadlines are also provided at this same number. Now, Computer-Based Testing (CBT) is available at many testing locations. ASE can provide more details.
Q: How do I find out if I passed the ASE test?
A: Your test scores are typically available 4-6 weeks after you took the test. If you have not received your test results, please contact ASE at (703) 669-6600.
Q: How do I contact the ASE?
A: ASE's contact information is listed here:
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
101 Blue Seal Dr SE Ste 101
Leesburg, VA 20175
703-669-6600 (open 8:30 am to 5:00 pm)
703-669-6123 fax
website: www.asecert.org
Q: Do you accept purchase orders?
A: AutoRepairManuals.biz accepts purchase orders placed by a government agency or a school. A bona-fide Purchase Order needs to be cut along with the product order or the order will not be processed. All purchase orders need to be sent to us by mail, fax or emailed pdf file. Purchase orders cannot be placed over the phone.
Q: Is sales tax charged charged on my order?
A: Currently, we only charge sales tax in the State of Michigan.
Q: Do I still have to pay the state sales tax if I am a tax-exempt business?
A:If you provide us with a copy of your state tax-exempt certificate, you will not need to pay sales tax on your order.
Q: Do you give a discount if I buy multiple manuals or sets of manuals?
A: Yes we give discounts depending the order size. Discounts on a purchase of a single set is already shown on our website. Again, multiple set purchase prices can be negotiated over the phone
Q: What shipping options do you offer?
A: AutoRepairManuals.biz ships using several US Mail and UPS options. Click here to go to our Shopping Cart" page to see these shipping options and prices.
Q: Will you mail ASE Study Guides to a correction facility including state or federal prisons?
A: Yes.
Q: Can the ASE Study Guides be returned for a refund?
A: Yes. You can return your order within 30 days of purchase for a full refund minus the shipping charges. Please call us before you return an order to let us know. However, the manuals need to be in AS-NEW CONDITION. Damaged or obviously used or highlighted manuals will be refused and sent back to you.
Orders can be returned to this address:
7600 Commerce Court, Suite B
Midland, MI 48642
By doing a Google search on the internet on can find pdf versions of ase study guides. These ase certification study guides or books include free diesel study guides, the c1 study guide as a pdf document, the x1 study guide, the brake test prep manual, the x1 practice test, and the l1 study guide. Motor Age ASE study guide pfd versions found in Google searches are usually old bootlegged copies and should be avoided. The actual Motor Age manuals we sell are current editions and can be used today for ase certification testing purposes. The ASE test questions are up to date.
An automotive technician can become an ASE master technician by studying for and taking all 9 ASE tests. We also sell ase test prep books from Delmar. These ase study guide questions, answers and task list are very similar to those found in the Motor Age ase prep test books. Both Delmar & Motor Age sell master ase certification prep books in English and en español. Both manuals have sample tests in the study guide. ASE study guide / textbook (2 volume sets) called "Today's Technician" manuals are an ase test preparation book bundled with a Cengage / Delmar shop textbook.
Delmar offers online ASE study book subscriptions that we sell on our website. ASE online testing is offered at the test center where you take your test. The test is administered over the internet in accordance with ASE.com guidelines. ASE offers free mini ase test question manuals on their website at www.ASE.com. However, these manuals are usually not enough to prepare you thoroughly for the ase certification exams. ASE also administers Collision testing. For example, a Mercedes collision center could purchase a Delmar ase prep collision manual to study for the test. These collision training manuals also include practice tests, test answers and a section on how to pass the ase test.